Literacy, numeracy & ICT

Education Dept, AISWA & CEOWA Literacy & Numeracy Workshop
James Nestor Hall, CEOWA, Perth
02 September, 2010

As part of National Literacy & Numeracy Week, 2010, I delivered a literacy workshop for the Education Department, AISWA and CEOWA at the CEOWA’s James Nestor Hall in Perth.  Speaking to a group of primary and secondary teachers, I outlined the suite of new digital literacies I believe are essential for educators to acquire and to pass on to our students.  The flyer for the event is available here.

My workshop was followed by a numeracy workshop by Steve Routledge, who outlined the varying degrees of ICT integration in schools – ranging from the use of traditional computer labs with locked down machines to the widespread employment of computers and, increasingly, mobile devices in the classroom.  He argued that we need to be where the students are and to find ways of helping them use their digital devices not just for social and entertainment activities, but for learning.  He concluded by showing teachers some of the great, free materials now available online for maths teachers.

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